St. Louis Union Market

General Rules and Regulations Covering the Operation of the New Union Market

1. Market hours will be:

Monday to Friday, inclusive 7 A. M. to 6 P. M.

Saturday 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.

2. No goods will be allowed to be moved in or out of any part of the market on Sunday.

Tenants or their assistants will not be allowed admission to any part of the market house on Sunday. Tenants or their assistants will not be permitted to remain or return to any part of the market house after same has been closed for the day. Tenants and their. assistants must be ready to leave the market house at closing time and will not be admitted again until regular opening time the next morning.

3. No delivery truck, automobile or horse-drawn vehicle will be allowed to park in the basement of the market house. All such vehicles, when they have loaded or unloaded their goods, must be removed from the market house.

All broken crates, boxes and other rubbish must be piled in places designated by the market master, to be removed by the city. Each tenant can, however, remove such boxes, etc., if he so desires. No such boxes, crates, or any other discarded material, will be allowed in any market space other than that which is used.

4. No lease will be given on any stand in the New Union Market. Tenants will be assigned stands upon a monthly rental basis. No tenant will be allowed to sell, sub-lease or rent any stand or part thereof in the market without written permission from the comptroller.

5. All rentals in the New Union Market are payable to The City of St. Louis in advance each month, at a place designated by the comptroller.

6. Each tenant must place on deposit with the comptroller one month’s rental. This deposit will be held by the comptroller as security for any default in the payment of rental, or for breakage or damage the tenant or his employes may be responsible for.

7. Tenants can apply this rental deposit to their last month of occupancy by giving notice to the comptroller thirty days in advance that this is their intention; however, this notice of vacation is given to the comptroller, the space occupied by the tenant will be considered vacant at the given time, and the comptroller will then proceed to select a new tenant, from the waiting list for future occupancy.

8. The market master must approve all fixtures and shelving, none of which shall be erected or placed above the tops of show cases which the tenant may use in his business, and in case any tenant refuses to abide by the market master’s decision and insist on the use of old, shabby and unsightly fixtures, he will be requested to vacate by the comptroller.

9. No goods of any description, boxes, cartons, or trucks, will be permitted in the aisles of the market. All discarded materials are to be kept within the stall until cleaned up after the market closes.

10. Trucking will not be permitted between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M., except Saturday, which will be between 9 A. M. and 8 P. M. The city trucks will be locked up by the market master after being returned by the tenant between the above hours.

No tenant will be allowed to lock up the city’s truck in any enclosure rented by them. Tenants may own their own trucks, but they must have rubber tires and be approved by the market master.

11. No signs of any description will be allowed, except those to be painted on space on posts and walls. The style of lettering shall be uniform and must be painted in black. All such signs must be approved by the market master.

12. All deliveries must be made in the basement or at the Lucas Avenue delivery platform. No goods will be allowed to be delivered at other doors in the market building. Tenants shall instruct wholesale dealers to make their deliveries be-fore 9 A. M.

13. Each tenant will be responsible for breakage of glass show cases in space occupied by him. Repairs will be made by the city and charged against the tenant responsible.

14. Tenants must not use floor drains for waste water. Meat dealers are requested to provide bone and tallow receptacles in their stands, to be approved by the market master.

15. Tenants will not be permitted to solicit trade in the aisles, and all goods must be sold behind the counter. No loud or boisterous talking will be allowed.

16. Tenants are responsible for the acts of their employes, and any employe guilty of disregard for the ordinance and the rules and regulations, must be dismissed upon request of the market master.

17. All scales must be placed on the counter in full view of the customer. There are several public scales in the market for the use of the public in order that they may check up articles purchased by weight.

18. No live poultry or live animals of any kind can be brought into or sold in the market.

19. The tenant must make application to the Union Electric Light & Power Company for electric current ; the amount used will be recorded on a separate meter and paid for by the tenant. The maintenance of all electrical equipment (except any electrically driven power machines that may be installed by the tenant) will be maintained by the city. No repair work will be allowed to be done by the tenant. All such work and renewals of lamps and fuses must be done by the city’s maintenance man. Report all such cases to the market master. In such case when the tenant desires to install small power equipment, he must submit same to the market master and obtain his approval before same can be installed.

20. The market master shall have access to all stands, refrigerators, cooler lockers, etc., at all times, for purpose of making an inspection.

21. The city will not be responsible for theft of anything on either the main market floor or in the basement cooler lockers. Ten-ants must securely lock their respective stands and lockers.

22. The city will not be responsible for any damage which a tenant may have through the breaking of water pipes or refrigerator pipes.

23. The brass railing on the outside of counters of each stand, which is used by patrons for baskets, bundles, etc., must be kept polished by the tenant under the direction of the market master.

24. No nails, screws or other fastenings will be allowed to be driven into or attached to the columns, walls or counters.

25. Each tenant must clean his counters, refrigerators, utensils, tools and equipment each night. Tenants are requested to sweep the floors in their stands each night and deposit sweepings at the entrance to their stands, so that city janitors can remove same without going into the tenant’s stands. The market master can order any tenant to paint, stain or otherwise improve the appearance of any fixture belonging to said tenant.

The city will provide a garbage can for each tenant in which he is requested to deposit all offal. Cans will be emptied and cleaned by the city after closing hours each night.

26. All tenants and their employes must be neat and clean in their general appearance and all should wear white aprons, to be changed every day. Remember, you are selling food ; cleanliness will bring you trade.

27. The use of tobacco in any form by tenants or their employes is strictly forbidden.

28. The cleaning of fruits, vegetables, fowl, etc., is strictly prohibited in the stands.

29. Tenants must confine themselves to the line of foodstuffs set out in their original application. Any tenant desiring to add any commodity to his line must first take up the matter with the market master.

30. All lost articles found by tenants or their employes, in the market house, please turn over to the market master.

31. No one in the employ of the city will be permitted to sign for any goods delivered to a tenant.

32. The tenants must comply with the conditions set out in Ordinance No. 34284, approved September 30th, 1925, relating to the Union Market.

33. Additional rules and regulations will be made from time to time.

34. To all tenants and their employes : It is the desire of the city to have the market kept clean and orderly at all times. Tenants and their employes are requested to co-operate with the city in standardizing equipment in their stands ; co-operation with the market master will bring about the best results.

Director of Public Utilities.

Rental of Stands

The monthly rental rate for stands in the St. Louis Union Public Market, or full squares for stalls, approximate size, 18 by 30 feet are as follows:

$135.00 per month without refrigeration.

$160.00 per month with refrigeration.

$ 15.00 extra for cooler.

The extra refrigerator space is located in the basement of the market.

In certain public markets, meat retailers are strictly confined to the handling of fresh meats only. They are not permitted to handle delicatessen products or even summer sausage, because some other stall owner may handle this exclusively. This places a limitation as to what the meat retailer may sell in his stall. This is not the rule in all public markets but it exists in some.

While only recently, some new public markets have been constructed, the modern trend in business is for individual stores, except in such localities where traditions bring the buyers in large numbers to a certain public market or shopping district, as for instance, in the city of Boston. The Faneuil Hall Market district is very conveniently located in the downtown district of Boston.

In the immediate vicinity of the market and in the side streets, there are a great number of meat markets. Boston is, perhaps, the only city of importance ‘in the United States where meats are still sold and displayed openly on the sidewalks as is done in the old market district. Stands are erected in front of the stores. Meats are openly displayed and there is keen competition among the retailers to attract the trade. It is not unusual to see retailers accosting passersby and calling their attention to the meat which they are displaying.

Inside and Outside Competition

The meat retailer in a public market has not alone, the competition in the market itself, but not infrequently the streets opposite the public market are occupied by meat markets usually of the price cutting class that draws a great part of the trade away from the public market. This is a condition the average individual retailer does not have to face.

While the new public markets which have been constructed in recent years are very modern and sanitary, there are a great many old markets in existence which, from the standpoint of sanitation and equipment are antiquated and not up to modern standards in meat retailing.






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