
Regular Short Ribs—Sides of heavy hogs, so cut that the ham, shoulder, tenderloin and backbone are removed, but with the “feather” or blade bones and parts of all ribs left in, are called regular short ribs.

Extra Short Ribs—Sides of medium-weight hogs so cut that the ham, shoulder and pork loin are removed and half sheet of spare-ribs and back fat left in are known as extra short ribs.

Rough Short Ribs (Soft Side)—Sides of heavy hogs with ham, shoulder, and all of the backbone removed and the ribs left in are known as rough short ribs (soft side).

Rough Short Ribs (Hard Side)—Sides of heavy hogs with the ham, shoulder and tenderloin removed, but all of backbone and ribs left in, are called rough short ribs (hard side). Only one hard side is obtained from a carcass.

Regular Short Clears—Sides of heavy hogs with ham, shoulder, backbone, and the full sheet of spare-ribs and the tenderloin removed are called regular short clears.

Regular Short Clears (Square Cut)—This cut is the same as regular short clears, except that it is cut square on both ends.

Extra Short Clears—Sides of medium-weight hogs cut short, with the ham, shoulder, pork loin and ribs removed are known as extra short clears. This cut is the same as a fat back and clear belly joined.

Rib Belly—The lower half of a side after the ham and shoulder have been removed but ribs left in is called rib belly.

Clear Belly—The clear belly cut is the same as a rib belly, except that the ribs are removed.

Rib Back—The upper half of a side, with the tenderloin, ham, and shoulder removed and the backbone sawed off but ribs left in, constitutes a rib back.

Clear Back—The upper half of a side with the ham, shoulder, backbone, and all ribs removed is called a clear back.

Fat Back—The upper half of a side after the belly, loin, ham, and shoulder have been removed is known as a fat back.

Spareribs (Full Sheet)—Spareribs comprise all the ribs from a side in one piece.

Spareribs (Half Sheet)—This cut comprises the lower or belly ribs only and constitutes the portion of the ribs left after the loin has been cut off.

Pork Loins—The pork loin cut is obtained from the upper half of a side and includes half the backbone and the upper portion of 10 ribs.

Brisket—The brisket consists of the end of a clear belly next to the shoulder.

Loin Butt—The loin butt comprises the end of a regular pork loin next to the ham. It is made when short pork loins are cut.






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