Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pork And Pork Products

    Pork Cutting Methods The average meat retailer does not cut up whole hogs except in certain localities. Therefore, hog cutting methods and practices are confined almost entirely to the packing house industry. The great majority of retailers buy pork products already cut up, such as hams, shoulders, loins, fat backs and other cuts. Cutting tests […]

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Retail Meat Business

    It seems to be human nature that the average business man will always speak of the disadvantages of his particular profession or business. Seldom, if ever, are the obvious advantages pointed out. Comparing the retail meat business with practically all other lines, quite a number of advantages can be readily discovered, which are lacking in […]

  • Lamb And Mutton Cutting Methods

    The cutting up of lamb and mutton along certain standard lines is found all over the United States, with the exception of certain parts of the metropolitan district, New England and the Pacific coast, where shoulders are raised and honed. Aside from this, lamb and mutton carcasses are cut up according to the test furnished […]

  • Mature Mutton Carcasses

    Mature mutton is graded on the basis of conformation, finish and quality. The grades are Prime of No. A 1, Choice or No. 1, Good or No. 2, Medium or No. 3, Common or No. 4, Cull or No. 5. Prime or No. A 1—Prime or No. A 1 grade mature mutton carcasses are ideal […]

  • Grades Of Mutton Carcasses

    Yearling Mutton Carcasses Yearling mutton carcasses are from animals of the ovine species that have passed the lamb age and lost, to an appreciable extent, the characteristics which are peculiar to lamb, but have not reached that stage of maturity at time of slaughter when they could be properly classed as mutton. The age limits […]

  • Grades Of Lamb Carcasses

    Lamb carcasses are graded as Prime or No. A 1, Choice or No. 1, Good or No. 2, Medium or No. 3, Common or No. 4, and Cull or No. 5. Prime or No. A 1—Prime or No. A 1 Grade lamb carcasses are practically ideal in conformation, finish, and quality The general outlines of […]

  • Basis For Grading Lamb And Mutton

    The act of grading naturally follows that of classifying and is a continuation of the same analytical process In the present case, the whole commodity has been divided into two major groups—lamb and mutton, the latter being further subdivided into yearling mutton and mature mutton. These groups are frequently called classes, but are really age […]

  • Definitions Of Lamb And Mutton

    Reprinted from Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture Lamb Lamb is a general term which refers to the flesh of young animals of the ovine species of both sexes. The age at which the change from lamb to yearling sheep takes place in the live animals is approximately 12 to 14 months. Lamb […]

  • Standards For Grades Of Veal, Lamb And Mutton

    Classes and Grades of Calves Illustrations Nos. 83 and 84 show a choice, good, medium and common veal carcass. There is not as yet an official method in effect for the grading of calves, as this work has not been completed by the United States government. In the proposed standardization of the government, however, there […]

  • Beef Cutting Methods

    Wholesale and Retail Cuts of Beef There are certain standard cuts of beef which are known in practically all parts of the United States. Beef rounds, loins and ribs may be considered standard names. There is, however, such a variety of names as they apply to retail cuts to be too numerous to mention. Quite […]

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