Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Refrigerator Counter

    The refrigerator counter has become one of the most important pieces of equipment in the modern market. A market owner who has realized the fast turn-over of products in the retail meat industry, considers the counter of greater importance than the refrigerator. The principal thought of these merchants is to sell meats and not keep […]

  • Meat Market Fixtures And Equipment

    Comparing a meat market of the year 1890 to our modern present day market, a great change is noticeable. The tendency in modern meat market equipment is towards better sanitation. Reasons for Sanitation Our present day standards of living call for sanitation in our daily life. Market owners building their own homes, insist upon tile […]

  • Meat Market Layout

    The lay-out of a market or the proper planning of the most suitable locations for the various fixtures used in a market is of great importance. Economical lay-out has a direct bearing and influence upon sales and accordingly upon the cost of operating the market. Since each individual market has a certain method of con-ducting […]

  • Location Of A Meat Market

    The young man starting in the retail meat business with the thought in his mind of advancing himself by owning his own store, tries of course, to first select a proper location for the market. As a rule, considerable attention is given to many factors which may influence his future business success. A check is […]

  • Marketing Methods

    The markets which operate under different methods of doing business may be generally divided into the following: 1. The cash and carry market. 2. The market doing a credit business. 3. The market doing a credit and delivery business. 4. The chain store market. The Cash and Carry Market The cash and carry meat market […]

  • Semi Public Market

    This type of market differs from the regular public market inasmuch as it is usually owned by individuals or a corporation, who put up a building and then sub-lease or rent space or stalls in the market. This type of market is popular in lower California, and also in certain southwestern states. Los Angeles has […]

  • St. Louis Union Market

    General Rules and Regulations Covering the Operation of the New Union Market 1. Market hours will be: Monday to Friday, inclusive 7 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. 2. No goods will be allowed to be moved in or out of any part of the market on […]

  • Types Of Meat Markets And Marketing Methods

    The distribution of meats to the consuming public is accomplished through many different types of retail markets. Traditions and buying habits of the public have also influenced the distribution methods in a great many localities. Meats find their main outlet through the following types of retail markets : 1. The public market. 2. The semi-public […]

  • Market Grades of Poultry

    The poultry industry in itself forms one of the largest industries in the United States It is claimed that the total value even exceeds that of the annual wheat crop in the United States. From the meat retailer’s standpoint, however, poultry is not as important as it is to the farmer, as only a certain […]

  • Definitions Of Casing

    Sheep Casings—Are the small intestines of sheep, and are prepared by pulling free from the surrounding fat, then soaking in cool water overnight in order to loosen the mucous membranes, then scraping with a wooden knife to remove the membranes and slime. They are graded according to width, as wide, medium and narrow, put up […]

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