Category: Meat Retailing

  • Wages And Systems Of Payment

    The largest expense item in conducting the retail meat business is for wages or salaries. It would seem, therefore, that this most important item should be studied more closely by the meat retailer than any other miscellaneous expenses. Meat cutters and clerks are cautioned to practice economy on paper, twine, light and other minor expense […]

  • Wage Bill As A Per Cent Of Sales In Retail Meat Shops

    Typical Amounts For All Stores On the average, the wage bill as a percent of sales is 11 to 15 per cent. But such an amount does not tell the whole story. It needs to be supported by detailed figures in which differences in location of shops, their size, and success are considered. What is […]

  • Systems Of Wage Payments

    The method of compensation employed in paying meat cutters or clerks has a great influence upon the wage percentages. There are three principle methods of compensation employed such as : 1. Straight Salary. 2. Salary and Commission. 3. Straight Commission. The Straight Salary The great majority of meat cutters and clerks are employed on a […]

  • Figuring The Cost And Selling Price

    It is the desire and ambition of every meat retailer to conduct his business in such a manner that he can sell meats at a reasonable price and earn a legitimate profit on the transaction. To know how to conduct the meat business most profitably is unquestionably the major problem requiring a solution. The retailer […]

  • Mechanical Refrigeration

    Mechanical refrigeration is not considered a luxury or convenience, but rather a necessity in the majority of markets. There is no standard type of refrigerating equipment to suit the varying conditions as they exist in different meat markets. There-fore, a refrigerating plant should be designed and laid out to meet the particular conditions as they […]

  • Meat Market Sanitation

    Although progressive meat retailers have taken it upon them-selves to maintain a most sanitary meat market, the great majority of municipalities have been more or less indifferent to the enforcement of sanitation in meat markets. This is evidenced by the existence of meat markets in various localities which are absolutely unfit to be called sanitary […]

  • Sausage And Bologna Making

    The greatest percentage of sausage and bologna manufactured today is made by the meat packers and wholesale sausage manufacturers. It stands to reason that large sausage production, quantity buying, and specialization enables the large wholesale manufacturer to produce these products at a comparatively lower cost than the average retailer. Many retailers, however, find that there […]

  • Salesmanship

    Selling meats at a profit is the principal object of the Meat Retailer. This fundamental fact is not as fully realized by the average market owner as it should be. Modern chain store organizations, however, are fully aware that their main function in business is to sell meats, and sell them at a profit. There-fore, […]

  • Definitions Of Various Sausages

    Since definitions of various cuts of meat have been furnished, because they are of real interest to every meat retailer, he is naturally interested in definitions of various kinds of sausages. Therefore recipes and definitions have been furnished for the benefit of the meat retailer. Dry Sausage What is “dry sausage”? Dry sausage distinguishes itself […]

  • Example Of Printed Sales Instructions

    Superior Service Spells Success Employes are workers and allies of Service. Employes who regard themselves as important to the Industry, and strive to make the business more successful, soon become worth more to themselves and others. The XX Code This little booklet and the code was written for all of our employes, and by that […]